About Us
Long before DIY became trendy, I watched it happen with grandparents and parents. With a “maker” mentality firmly modelled throughout my lifetime, I became a “maker of things” from a very young age, sewing, knitting, drawing, painting. The mantra “how hard could that be...” has gotten me into trouble more than once as I found myself in the middle of a project that apparently was hard, required a new skill set, and a new set of tools!
Jewelry making has been one of those pursuits. With no formal training, other than a few weekend courses and some private instruction, jewelry making has been an evolving process of trial and error with an infinite amount to learn!
My primary inspiration comes from those masters who have been adorning us since the beginning of time, the artists who create works of art in each piece they craft, making it looks so easy with their finely honed skills.
13 & Mae is a one-person shop in Edmonton, Alberta. Each piece is locally produced and most pieces are limited edition or one-of-a-kind. With the mentality that nobody wants to see their favorite necklace on someone else, I fabricate each unique piece with care and attention and it is just good fun to see women wearing them!